Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rithy Returns

Hey friends, just a quick update to keep you guys informed that i am back now. So stay tuned for more posts of mine.



Unknown said...

Welcome back dude! Lolz.. Would be nice tat u're back on track now.. Have lost u for ages man.. :) keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i have just successfull reset the password for my log sure i will blog, at least twice a month man...

Anonymous said...

Gosh! I thought I would read a long entry here, but then it's only 2 sentences?'s better than nothing. Welcome back, and this time don't vanish for such a long time again. I feel like u're playing peek-a-boo on blog given the fact that u keep appearing and disappearing all along.

Unknown said...

twice a month?? Oops, man, what's keeping u busy huh???? Yeah, true, just merely few sentences, lolz... it's not called blogging man. :P lolz...

Anonymous said...

welcome back then! :)

Anonymous said...

>> PM:

No, i am not playing peek-a-boo with you guys. I just forgot my password to log in to update my blog, and even though i have tried many times to reset it, i didnt seem to get it sorted out. Don;t know why. but the last time i checked you guys' blogs and gave it my last trial, It worked at the end.

>> Ramana:

Hey thank you for you quick reaction my new appearance on the blog..hehehe....hope to read more words from you..

>> Hour:
this is only the start of my second stage of blogging man...more to come....

Unknown said...

The start of the second stage? lolz... It looks like the start of the born lolz... :P

MarshMarllow6338 said...

good that you are back, mate! But surely you can post more than two entries a month? we all would love to read more from ya, man...

Rithy said...

>> Ven:

Hehe, dude! lets see ...m